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Technical drawing --- Dessin technique --- Dessin industriel --- 2D parametric designs

Simplified gearwheel

One simplified gearwheel without details on teeth-profile


Parameter name Value Unit Default Min Max Step
mm 10 0.1 100 0.1
scalar 23 3 1000 1
mm 0 -200 200 1
mm 0 -200 200 1
checkbox 1 0 1 1
mm 10 0.1 200 0.1
scalar 5 0 32 1
mm 8 1 100 0.1
mm 8 1 100 0.1
mm 2 0 20 0.1
mm 2 0 20 0.1
checkbox 1 0 1 1
mm 20 1 200 0.5
mm 15 1 200 0.5
scalar 5 1 18 1
mm 15 1 200 0.1
mm 10 0 20 0.1
checkbox 1 0 1 1
mm 40 0.1 400 0.1
mm 6 0 10 0.1
mm 40 0 400 0.1
mm 20 0 200 0.1
mm 60 0 200 0.1
mm 1 0 20 0.1
mm 4 0 20 0.1
mm 0 0 20 0.1
mm 4 0 20 0.1




Sub-design (Number of sub-instances: 1)

  1. Go to gear_wheel_wheel
    ( 27 parameters)
    Num Name Value
    1 module 10
    2 N1 23
    3 c1x 0
    4 c1y 0
    5 centralAxis 1
    6 axisRadius 10
    7 ribNb 5
    8 ribWidth 8
    9 ribHeight 8
    10 ribRound1 2
    11 ribRound2 2
    12 hollow 1
    13 materialHeightExt 20
    14 materialHeightInt 15
    15 spokeNb 5
    16 spokeWidth 15
    17 spokeRound 10
    18 wheelAxis 1
    19 wheelHeight 40
    20 wheelMidExtra 6
    21 wheelAxisLength 40
    22 wheelAxisRadius 20
    23 wheelMidRadius 60
    24 wheelRadiusExtra 1
    25 wheelAxisExtRound 4
    26 wheelAxisIntRound 0
    27 wheelExtraRound 4
    ( 27 parameters)
    Num Name Value
    1 module 10
    2 N1 23
    3 c1x 0
    4 c1y 0
    5 centralAxis 1
    6 axisRadius 10
    7 ribNb 5
    8 ribWidth 8
    9 ribHeight 8
    10 ribRound1 2
    11 ribRound2 2
    12 hollow 1
    13 materialHeightExt 20
    14 materialHeightInt 15
    15 spokeNb 5
    16 spokeWidth 15
    17 spokeRound 10
    18 wheelAxis 1
    19 wheelHeight 40
    20 wheelMidExtra 6
    21 wheelAxisLength 40
    22 wheelAxisRadius 20
    23 wheelMidRadius 60
    24 wheelRadiusExtra 1
    25 wheelAxisExtRound 4
    26 wheelAxisIntRound 0
    27 wheelExtraRound 4
    ( 0 parameters)
    Num Name Min Max Step
    ( 0 parameters)